Monday, May 26, 2008

Tell me a story

Last year I bought Rion a program for the computer with preschool lessons on it. I think it was too easy for him because he never really paid much attention to it. Now Torii has discovered it and has been playing it a lot. Today he was playing with the Art section of the program. On it kids can create their own books with different backgrounds and stickers. There is a place to write text and I told him I would write whatever he wanted me to on it. Torii likes to tell stories so he had no problem coming up with a story. I could barely type as fast as he was talking. I had to keep telling him to stop so we could select another page because we had run out of space on the current page.

Rion liked that so he also wanted to write a story. Rion thought about his story more. He would tell me to write something and a few times told me to erase part of it and he changed it up a little. Once he told me to erase something and he basically told me the same thing, but worded it differently. Both boys are good storytellers, but the way Rion thought about his story and the wording was encouraging to me. I hope I have a writer in the family!

I printed out the stories each boy wrote and we read them again. I let Rion read his and I helped with some words. He had the word "mysterious" in his story so I don't think he was going to figure that one out. He did really good and read a few complete sentances. He is doing so good with reading.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That sounds like a very fun program for them. It sounds like they have such an imagination.