Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's all happening at the zoo

Today the kids and I went to the zoo. I really like our zoo except for one thing. The playground. There is no way to avoid it. You can call me crazy, but when I go to the zoo, I like to see animals. When I tell my kids we are going to the zoo, they ask if they can go to the playground. And there's nothing special about this playground. It's the run of the mill, standard playground. I just think it would have made more sense to have the playground at the back of the zoo. Even somewhere in the middle. As it is now, it's one of the first things you see as you enter the zoo. If it was someplace else, we might actually get to see some animals on the way to the playground. On the way to the zoo I did build the excitement for the otters so that was the first thing they wanted to see. I thought I was in the clear, but after the monkeys and the bears, the boys started begging for the playground. Maybe next time I'll get to see some animals. I mean besides my kids.

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