Sunday, September 14, 2008

Be green

Recently, I started to save all the plastic bags from shopping for our rummage sale. I could not believe how many I accumulated in such a short period of time. It wasn't until then that I decided to go the reusable grocery bag route. It's nice that many stores have them for a buck each, but they are so ugly. And it almost defeats the purpose. Part of the green movement is to cut back on consuming. To me it doesn't make any sense to have a reusable grocery bag with the name of the store that wants you to spend and consume as much as possible. I did find some nice bags online and I can't wait to get them. I also got reusable produce bags to use instead of the ones they have in the store. I also found some nice grocery bags in the dollar section of Target the other day. I used them today and they were so nice. So much more stuff fit in the bags which was nice when it came time to carry them into the house. And they looked so nice too. I will definitely be green if that means fashionable at the same time!


Laurie said...

I've been using the bags provided by grocery stores, but I agree the store names on them kind of stink, but oh well. I think the best thing I've been doing is when I go shopping and only pick up a small item I just trow it in my purse/tote and don't ask for a bag.

Kelly said...

We recently picked up some reusable bags as well. I told brian to keep the plastic bags we always got and I have a ton! But I use them for packaging material.