Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I try not to buy anything Martha Stewart related (she must be stopped!), but I just can't help myself sometimes. Especially around the holidays. The other day I picked up a special holiday magazine of her's. There is so many good ideas in there and I want to do some handmade Christmas gifts so I had to buy it. I've been feeling crafty so I started on one project. It's an ornament, but I think I'm going to tie them onto presents. It's a piece of wire with beads strung on, then bent to make a star or a letter. So I made a star last night and after much bending, had the star exactly how I wanted it. Of course mine didn't look perfect like Miss Martha's, but it was still nice. Forward to this evening, when Fred asked Torii to show me what happened to my star. I made the mistake of leaving it on the computer printer last night and the boys found it. Now it was just a long bumpy line. When I asked what happened Rion said, "I thought it was one of those bendy toys."

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