Monday, November 3, 2008

An unexpected trip

As a parent I have come to expect the unexpected. Still, I was not prepared to deal with anything like this past nine days. About a month ago Cordelia started throwing up every night in bed. When this started her and I were just getting over a nasty cold so we didn't think much of it. When it just wouldn't go away I took her to the walk-in clinic. We got some medicine, but that didn't help. I tried to get her an appointment to her pediatrician, but he was on vacation. So again, we went to the walk-in. This time we got some antibiotics and for a week she didn't throw up once. Then the throwing up started again and more frequently. We waited until her one year appointment that was scheduled later in the week. The doctor was concerned about her weight and what he heard when he listened to her chest. We spent three hours at the clinic that day doing a sweat test for cystic fibrosis, an x-ray and a second visit with the doctor. The clinic was also super busy that day because there was no school and kids kept coming in for flu shots. After all the tests were in, the doctor said he knew what the problem was as we walked back into a room to see the x-ray. That walk seemed to take forever as all the terrible thoughts of what could be wrong with my girl filled my brain. We now know that Cordelia had a diaphragmic hernia and we would have to go to Minneapolis soon for surgery. A half hour after I got home, the doctor called to say he talked to someone in Minneapolis and they wanted us there the next day. What followed was a mad dash to get ourselves ready for our very unplanned trip. There are so many stories to share about this so it will dominate the blog for awhile. The computers available at the hospital did not allow blog access so I couldn't do any blogging while there. So I have a lot of catching up to do.

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