Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flu and cold season

Cordelia has been battling a nasty cold for a few weeks now. Her and I both had it, but I have been able to get over it. Her problem right now is all the gunk in her nose and throat. She keeps swallowing it, which makes her tummy upset and then she throws up. For the past week and a half she has been waking up at night throwing up. I feel like I am constantly washing her crib sheets. I have also spent most of those nights sleeping with her, which is making me exhausted. We went to the walk-in last week and got some medicine to keep her from throwing up, but that only worked for a couple of nights. Today I called the clinic hoping to get her into her doctor, but he is on vacation. So I took her into the walk-in again after work and thankfully the other doctor that I really like was on walk-in duty. Her lungs are clear, but it's her sinuses that are the problem. We got some antibiotics and some Benedryl so hopefully that does the trick. The doctor said it may take a couple of days for things to kick in so I may have a couple more nights of dealing with baby throw up. I just want her to get over this. It's no fun when a baby is sick.

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