Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heavy subject

When we were at Cordelia's doctor's appointment last week, Torii saw a poster on the door about child abuse. He noticed the picture of the little kid on it. On the poster you could only see the kid's back and part of his face. It looked like he was sitting in a corner. Torii started asking me questions about the picture. He asked if the boy had been bad and why he was sitting like that. Wow, that's a pretty big subject for a four year old. I'm not good in these kinds of situations, but I answered it the best I could. Now that I've had time to think about it, I know how I would have answered it better. I did tell him the boy wasn't bad, but I didn't exactly saying anything about someone hurting him. I'm just not ready for my kids to know that sometimes people hurt kids. I know they'll learn about these things someday, but I want to protect them from those kinds of evils for as long as I can. I was totally ready to answer questions about sex, but this one really blindsided me. And really, I know I shouldn't shield them from things. It will do them more harm to put them in a protective bubble. Sometimes it is no fun to be a parent.

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