Saturday, November 15, 2008

Movie date with the boys

Today I went to Madagascar 2 with Rion and Torii. This was a first for Torii. We took Rion to his first movie when he was 2. He didn't sit still and got bored. We tried again at 3. He was better, but still not quite ready. At 4 he really enjoyed going to movies and actually sat through an entire one. Torii is even more wild and impatient than Rion so we really weren't in any hurry to take him to a movie. He really liked the movie and sat through the whole thing. It was really packed, even though it was in three theatres. Torii said next time he would like to sit higher up. Rion would like to see the movie Bolt next and they both keep talking about seeing a movie with Aunties Kelly and Laurie. So make room in your Christmas schedules Aunties! The movie was good for the kids, although I thought it was just ok. I haven't even seen the first one so I think I missed out on some inside jokes. It was a good time and it was nice to get out with just the boys. I missed a lot of time with them while we were in the cities so they deserved an afternoon with just mommy.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I would love to go with the boys to a movie! I have seen Bolt advertised and it looks cute. I would go to it if they want or whatever movie they haven't seen yet. Anytime I can spend with them while we're home, absolutly!