Monday, December 15, 2008

Doctor visit

Today Cordelia had a second checkup since her surgery. She is doing great. The doctor joked that now she will have to go on a diet. She is up to 20 pounds. Her height isn't charting where her weight is, but the doctor told me that will catch up now. First comes the weight gain, then growth in other areas will follow. She will probably be getting more teeth very soon and her hair should start growing more as well. She also got a follow up x-ray. Rion was with and he got to stand behind the wall with me. Now he's seen Cordelia's ribs and Torii's arm on x-rays. He is so interested in the human body so he really enjoyed seeing the x-ray come up. When we go to Barnes and Noble he doesn't play with Thomas anymore. He sits down with a book about the human body and soaks it all in. The book has a human in the middle and as you turn the pages you see a different part of the body, such as the muscles, the bones, the digestive system, etc. He could look at that book all day. Since Cordelia is doing so great, she finally got her 12 month shots. The doctor had been reluctant to give them to her when her weight was so low. Having her healthy is the best Christmas present this year.

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