Thursday, December 11, 2008

One of those days

Today was a day where nothing seemed to go right. When I got to work this morning I noticed Rion's gloves were in my bag. I had thrown them in there when we got home the day before because my hands were so full of other stuff. Fred couldn't find any gloves that fit him so he came by and picked them up so he could drop them off at the school for Rion. After school the kids and I went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. I was going to use the sewing machine to finish a Christmas gift, but forgot the directions at home. We visited awhile then headed home, but not before stopping at Walmart for a few things. While there I was going to pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner. They were totally out. So I decided to get one of their take and bake pizzas. They only had cheese pizza left. I'm not a plain cheese fan so we went to Sam's Club. By the time we got home it was 7:00. As we were finishing dinner I noticed an empty glass on the table was missing a big chunk out of the side. Of course nobody knew how it got broken or where the missing glass could be found. Fred and I looked everywhere and we never did find any broken glass. After dinner I put the kids to bed and relaxed in front of the TV. We laughed throughout The Office and I thought my bad day was over. After The Office I sat down to pay some bills (ok the bad day isn't over). I had to get a pen out of my bag when I noticed the summer sausage I bought at Sam's Club was still in there. I had once again thrown something in my bag to free up my hands. It was still really cold so I'm saying it's ok. Tomorrow is Friday so it's got to be better.

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