Sunday, June 29, 2008

Shop til mommy drops

The other day I had to go shopping with all three kids. I love the Wal-Mart Supercenter because I can get just about anything there in one stop. We did have to go there, but first we had to go to Target. I had to pick up one thing that was only available there and I had to get it that day. I love Target, but don't go there very often anymore. The new location is so stupid. The parking lot is such a mess, that I find I don't go there just to avoid having to drive through that lot. Target is in the mall, but I can't remember the last time I went shopping at the mall either. So we went to Target, got my item and left. Torii was extra grouchy that day and was mad that we weren't getting a cookie at Target. Torii likes to shop with me and when it's just the two of us, we get a cookie there. As we were leaving Target, Rion spotted the big red balls they have in front of the store. Most people see the red balls as a decorative piece, but my boys see something to climb on. Rion ran towards it, giving me a near heart attack as I watched him run towards the street. He dove on top of the ball as I then pictured him falling off and cracking his head on the cement. I should have just gave up on the Wal-Mart trip and ordered pizza for supper. Happily, they were pretty good at Wal-Mart. Cordelia, who should fuss the most on shopping trips, is always the best behaved. While getting groceries, she let out a happy shriek. Until then I had forgotten she was even with.

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