Monday, August 11, 2008

I'll clean tomorrow....

"Boys are God's way of telling you your house is too clean." I saw that quote and really liked it. Although I've never been real great at housekeeping. And since the kids were born, keeping a clean house is a battle I refuse to compete in. Before Rion was born I read something that I really liked: "Your kids are only young once, but your dishes will be there tomorrow." So I'm not lazy. I'm just being a good mom. There are advantages of a mess. Take all the toys on the floor. It's part of the "Home Alone Security System." A burglar comes into our house, and wham! He slips on the Matchbox cars scattered on the floor. Then as he is getting up he presses the toe of some stuffed animal, which then makes noise, alerting the members of the household that someone is in the house. Instead of a security alarm sticker in our window, we just park the kids' bikes in front of the house. A burglar sees that and thinks twice about going into our house.

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