Friday, March 13, 2009

Birthday party

Tomorrow Rion is going to his friend's birthday party. I haven't said much with Torii around, but Rion let the big news out tonight. He told Torii it's a swimming party, which made Torii very excited. I had to tell him he wasn't going and he got very upset. He couldn't understand why he wasn't invited. After all, he was having so much fun playing with her at Rion's party. He insisted they were friends and he should be able to go too. Poor guy. I explained to him that when he starts school he'll make new friends that don't know Rion and he'll get to go to parties that his brother isn't invited to. Which then made Rion upset. I told Torii he was extra lucky because he gets to go to Grandpa and Grandma's while Rion is at the party. I'm not sure if he bought it or not. I guess I'll see tomorrow when I drop him off.

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