Monday, March 9, 2009

Birthday boy

Rion had a very good birthday weekend. On Saturday he got to pick out what we had for lunch and dinner. He picked out Kid Cuisine meals for lunch and pizza for dinner. He wanted supreme pizza which really made me happy because we are the only two that eat it so I usually don't get that kind. I also wanted to go to Coldstone and get his free ice cream, but he wanted to stay home instead. The coupon is good until Saturday so I hope we can make it up there by then.

On Sunday he got to bring his six pennies to church school. Everyone that had a birthday in the last week gets to bring pennies and as the kids drop the pennies in the bank everyone counts. I had totally forgot about this tradition and didn't even realize it when I saw the church bank at the beginning of the year. Then the first kid went and started dropping pennies in the bank and I instantly remembered. There is a very distinct sound from that bank and the memories came back as soon as I heard it. It was so funny when the music instructor asked if there were any birthdays and Rion's faced just lit up. He was the first one out of three down there.

Sunday afternoon was his birthday party at Snoopers. He had four friends from school come. I think everyone had a really good time. It was hard to get anyone to leave. Torii keeps asking me when we can go back. He wanted to go today, but I told him it was closed. (Yes, I occasionally lie to my kids). Rion's friends are all really nice kids and I'm glad they came. I also tried to get some pictures of Cordelia today but she wouldn't sit still. I hurt her at Snoopers. She was getting down from a chair in the toddler area, (the part I thought she would be safest at), and started to fall. As I tried to grab her, my fingernail caught her above the eyebrow and down her cheek. She looks like she was in a fight. I got her real good and it actually looked a little puffy today. Poor girl.

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