Thursday, April 2, 2009

April's Fool?

Yesterday I came home from work and found a note on the door. It said, "Get dressed up. I'll be back to pick you up at 6:00." I was hoping it wasn't an April's Fool joke. I was totally unprepared so it took me multiple changes before I finally decided what to wear. I think I need to go clothes shopping. I finally got ready and just in time for Fred to get home. He told me the kids were with Grandpa and Grandma and we were going out. We had supper at Ruby Tuesday's, which was really good. This was the first time we had eaten at the Ruby Tuesday's here. We used to eat there all the time in Tenn., but that was before kids when we had nothing better to spend our money on. After supper we decided to see a movie. We decided to see "I love you, man." We were both in the mood for a comedy and we both liked it. There was one scene that made everyone in the theatre laugh hysterically. I have not laughed that hard from a movie in a long time. It was so nice of Fred to plan the evening. Usually I am the one that has to plan everything and make sure the kids are taken care of. It was so sweet of him. We had a very nice evening and I'm so glad it wasn't an April's Fool joke.

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