Sunday, April 19, 2009

Two week review

I haven't blogged in two weeks. I think that must be a record. I would really like to go to bed as the kids exhausted me today. We spent a lot of time outside today. I got a lot of yard work done, and also played with the kids. Torii likes to play baseball. (I'm so happy). He has a T-ball bat and a soft baseball that he almost hit over the garage a couple of times.

Last weekend we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for Easter. The Easter bunny visited our house and their's too so they got two Easter egg hunts. They quit about mid-way through the hunt at home. They decided that they would rather eat the candy inside the eggs than search for more eggs. But they must have found them all because I haven't found any eggs laying around since then. I got a few pictures of the kids dyeing eggs. Cordelia really wanted to help. Today we went to a neighbor's house for a welcoming party for their new baby boy. They now have two boys and a girl too. Between our two houses we are populating our block with babies. Speaking of babies... Congratulations to Kelly and Brian on the birth of their baby girl on Wednesday. Her name is Heidi Renae. She is such a cutie!
Fred had a quote from Torii that I had to share. They were wrestling the other day and Cordelia wanted to join in on the fun. She got on top of Torii who was on top of daddy. Torii said she "was the cherry on top."

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