Monday, May 4, 2009

Sore Loser

I was losing hope that neither of my boys would like board games. I love board games and card games so it has made me really happy to discover that Torii likes them as well. He loves Uno and Candyland. We also play Sequence, but he doesn't really understand the strategy to that so we just play until he gets five in a row. We have been playing a lot of Candyland lately. I'm getting rather sick of it, but it's hard to say no to a board game request. Torii is a hot head and he throws tantrum really easily. Especially when things don't go his way. He would get so mad when he would have to move backward in Candyland. I kept telling he could still win as I could also go backward or he could draw a picture card to get in front of me again. That happened numerous times, but he would still have a fit anytime he had to go back. I warned him that if he continued that behavior I would quit playing because he wasn't making the game fun. Sure enough, he got upset over something, wouldn't calm down, and I put the game away. That did the trick because he's been fun to play with since. Of course it helps to win 7 games in a row. Once I was on the second to last square and I drew the picture card that is near the beginning. I told him I was going to throw a fit and not go back. He laughed and moved my piece for me. He still doesn't like to move backward, but at least now he doesn't cry and moan about it.

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