Sunday, August 16, 2009

Really busy having fun

On Saturday I got out for a few hours and did some thrift store shopping, which I've been dying to do. I found Rion this bike for a whopping $5.00. The back tire needed some air and now it's good as new. We spent most of Sunday outside learning how to ride. Rion was also excited that he could wear his new Pokemon bike helmet. He still hasn't got the hang of the bike, but he can go short distances without falling. He is loving his bike. I think he thinks he is pretty big to have such a bike.
Meanwhile, I can't get Torii to go on either of the two smaller bikes that have training wheels. He also wanted to wear his new bike helmet, but he wore it while driving the tricycle.

While taking a break from learning how to ride a bike, (it wears a parent out), Torii was collecting leaves. It was a nice blustery day so a lot of leaves could be found in the yard. I told Torii I had a cool project we could make with the leaves. Laurie got me this book for Christmas last year and it's full of traditional crafts. There are a bunch of crafts I remember doing as a kid. One of them was making waxed leaves, which I did in school once.

Here's our waxed leaves. They look nice with the sun shining through the window. Rion's is on top, mine in the middle and Torii's at the bottom. I was looking in the book for Halloween projects and now I'm excited to get started on some of them.

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