Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of school

I can't believe it, but tomorrow is already the first day of school! Tonight the school hosted an open house. Over the summer the school had some major remodeling done inside and in celebration of that, they went all out for the open house. They served hot dogs, beans, and watermelon to everyone and then had four big inflatables outside for the kids. It was a perfect night for all of it. Doesn't Torii look so excited for school? At least I got a good picture of the mark Auntie Laurie gave him while she was here. Thanks Laurie for bruising my son for his birthday and first day of school pictures. Of course this is all in fun, I will never let her live that down.
Rion at his desk. The kindergartners shared tables so it was kind of exciting for him to have a desk now. He is sitting next to Hannah, the girl who always said goodbye to him after class last year. "Goodbyyyyyeee Freeeeeeed". I didn't really think it was a big deal for Rion's first day, but after attending the open house I'm more excited for him. It was fun to see kids and parents that we already knew. I think about half the kids in his class this year were also in his class last year.

Rion on his way down and Torii on the way up on one of the inflatables.
And now Torii on his way down.
It's doesn't seem like school should be starting already. If you went by the weather, it feels like summer is just starting. Torii goes back and forth on whether he wants to go or not. He is afraid of mean kids. Torii has the same teacher Rion had last year which is really nice. Torii sat in with the class when they had special programs and his teacher also taught the summer program too. He also knows one of the girls in the class who is the little sister of one of the girls in Rion's class. I think all of that will help him adjust. He says he will miss me, but I told him he'll have so much fun in school that he'll forget to miss me. I could never sleep the night before the first day of school. And now I find myself a bit wired. The kids are sleeping soundly, but will I be able to sleep tonight?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Torii looks trilled :P And I didn't mean to hit him!! :(

First day of school looks great!