Thursday, August 27, 2009

Torii's birthday

Last weekend we celebrated Torii's birthday with family and friends. He wanted his party at Snoopers so that's where we went. Cordelia was much more adventurous than the last time at Snoopers. She laid in the ball pit for awhile. She didn't seem bothered by all the kids bouncing all around her.
Cordelia wanted to go down the slides, but she couldn't make it up the ramp to the tunnels. Luckily, she has a good big brother who helped her out.

This is Torii's Candyland cake. We saw it in a magazine and Torii loves that game so we knew this was the cake for him. Usually I just bake a cake and throw some frosting on top so this was quite the deal for me. It took a couple of hours just to decorate it. And Fred had to go out for more Starburst so I could finish the path. Torii liked the cake. So did Cordelia who was caught more that once trying to take candy from the cake. She didn't get the gumdrop she is reaching for, but she didn't have to wait long because we had cake soon after this picture. We still have a ton of candy left since I only needed a bit of everything.
I'm tired!

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