Monday, September 28, 2009

Games Torii plays

With Rion gone all weekend, it was funny how the household dynamics changed. It some ways life was a lot easier with only two kids. In other ways, not so much. It was incredibly nice not to have to break up any fights between the boys all weekend. On the other hand, Torii was left without a playmate so I became the substitute. Rion is perfectly content to play by himself, but that's not the case with Torii. He needs someone to play with. Since Rion was gone, I kind of let Torii make the rules for the weekend and what he wanted to do was play games. One of the first games we played was Hullabaloo. I never win at that game, but for some reason I was on a big win streak that day. By the third straight time I won, Torii was starting to meltdown. My streak went to six. I kept wishing he would win, but I kept winning. I started to laugh because it was somewhat comical. Finally he won. Then he began to cheat to win. And that's what Torii does. He's not really big on rules. With games or generally in life. When he's not outright cheating, he's making up new rules or bending the rules to fit his needs. I quit a couple of games before completely them, hoping he would learn to be a good sport and play by the rules. Today we played his Ladybug Game twice and he didn't pout once. He played by the rules and we had fun. Maybe it finally sunk in. By Sunday afternoon, I was pretty sick of games and really wanted to just veg out on the couch and watch football. But Torii is a sweet talker and there we were in front of the TV, playing a board game. It was a win-win situation.

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