Sunday, September 27, 2009

Movie night

This weekend Rion and daddy went up north to the farm for the early deer hunting season there. Torii was a little bummed that he wasn't going so I let him in on something special I had planned for Friday night. He was so excited that he told everyone at school about it on Friday and wouldn't stop talking about it all evening. When he got home from school he was ready for Cordelia to go to bed so we could have our special movie night. It must have seemed like an eternity for him, but Cordelia finally went to bed at her regular time. Then we turned out all the lights, popped some popcorn, got out some movie sized boxes of candy, cold bottles of Coke and stayed up late and watched a movie. For our movie we watched Coraline. I liked it, but was afraid Torii would have nightmares from it when he became concerned about the "other mother" in it. After we talked about it, he realized it was just a movie and hasn't had any nightmares. Now he just has an obsession with poison oak and likes to pretend he is rubbing it on my arms. It was a fun night and I'll have to do it again with both boys. I think it made Torii feel really special getting to stay up late with mom. Sometimes the most simple things are the best things.