Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it!

Cordelia is picking up words left and right. Tonight she was twirling around the living room saying, "I'm a princess, I'm a princess." I love the learning to speak stage, mostly because I no longer have to guess what she needs, she can just tell me. Some words are coming out very clear, but most of what she says is only understandable to Fred and I, who are with her the most. It is fun to listen to your children as they learn to master the English language. And then there is Torii. He talks all the time and speaks more clearly than Rion did at that age. Yet, I don't know what he is talking about half of the time. This is what I heard the other day: "Oh Juggernoid! And Sub Terra, Ventus, Darkus!" Excuse me? It's like he's speaking a foreign language. And no, I don't even know what I just wrote. I had to take his Bakugan cards out to see what it was he said because after he said it I couldn't even repeat it. I was clueless. It's like Fred telling me what kind of hunting related gifts he would like. Five minutes after he tells me I don't have a clue so I just get him a Scheels gift card. And I try to listen, really I do, but Bakugan and hunting are foreign languages to me. So when Torii talks about Bakugan I just nod and say yes a few times like I'm listening. Then I switch the subject to something I know and we go outside and play baseball.

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