Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A new shirt for Cordelia

Here's a super easy and fun project I did yesterday. Inspiration and directions from: http://bkids.typepad.com/bookhoucraftprojects/2010/03/project-55-spring-wardrobe-update.html

I did a little thrifting over the weekend with hopes of finding something for this project. I wasn't having much luck, but then I stumbled upon this pillowcase. I don't know if those are suppose to be birds or butterflies, but I thought it was super cute.
And viola! Cordelia has a new shirt. She was so excited when I showed her. As I always do when I cook I did some improvising with the supplies I had on hand with this too. I used fusible hem to stick it to the tee. You can't see it up close, but it is noticeable when I look at it closely. I may pick up some of the fusible stuff mentioned on the tute for the next one. And I did sew around it because it looks so much better that way. I want to do a tank top with the other bird from the pillowcase.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Cute! Good find!