Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Summer!

I hope I don't jinx it, but I think summer is finally here. On Saturday we decided to spend the afternoon at the zoo. The kids love feeding the goats. Rion was also having a really good time and he kept posing for pictures by the goats. That's unusual for him. All three kids (and two goats) were posing really nice for the above picture, but as I snapped it, one of the goats moved which made Cordelia laugh and for some reason everyone, including the goat, is looking over to the one side. I think I like this one better than a posed picture anyway. We got our new membership on Saturday too so we got some train tickets. On the train ride Cordelia had a conversation with a little older boy. He must have been about three. It was so funny to listen to them. They understood each other and kept chatting.

For Father's Day we didn't do much. Torii and daddy went fishing in the morning. Then we basically hung around the house. I made steak for dinner and hot brownie sundaes for dessert, Fred's favorite. The kids did spend some time in the sprinkler on Sunday and then that evening we went rollerblading. There is a small hill at the end of our block that they like to go up so they can roll down. They must have done that 15 times, from our house to the end of the block. They went to sleep without a peep. Rion is trying really hard at rollerblading, but he just takes tiny steps to get to where he is going. Torii, on the other hand, is a man possessed on the blades. He is a pretty good rollerblader and he has a super serious and determined look on his face when he blades. Torii may be more of the athlete in our family. He likes sports and he has the coordination and the competitiveness. Poor Rion may have to suffer through Auntie Kelly syndrome, where everyone will ask him if he plays basketball because he is so tall.

Tonight we went rollerblading again, all the way to GG's house. Torii and Cordelia had fun while GG tried to water her flowers. Cordelia started out by helping hold the hose, but it wasn't long before she was trying to spray Torii and then herself. They got pretty wet, but they tried off quickly in the sun.

I hope it continues to be nice out because I am enjoying the time outside. And I am enjoying grilling season as well. I have a yummy recipe to share, but I'll leave you all in suspense and post it later.

1 comment:

Heidi's Corner said...

maybe rion will play basketball in the 5th & 6th grade like we did. Then he can see if he likes it and it's still fun for kids until Jr. High it gets crazy. Well, we both have been there anyway. I think torii is going to be your hockey player the way he wheels around on those blades!