Sunday, November 11, 2012

Snowed in

This weekend we got our first big snow of the year. We knew it was coming and when it was over we had eight inches on the ground. I, however, did not do any shopping in preparation for this storm. Partly due to lack of time, partly due to laziness, but mostly because I'm from ND. I'm prepared even without having to get prepared. I knew we had everything we could possibly need at home including enough food to last a week if need be. There were times over the weekend that the kids were at each other's throats, but for the most part it was a very good weekend. It was the kind of weekend that made me feel like a good mom. It might be weird, but I feel like a good mom when I want to cook something and I have everything on hand to make it. I had been planning on making some kuchen so I had bought everything for it, but since we were stuck inside as the snow fell I decided to continue baking. I had some nice ripe bananas on the counter so I whipped up some Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then wanting a big breakfast the next morning I put together some Overnight French Toast for the morning. I planned on making a carrot cake as well, but I ran out of time. Still I felt good knowing I had everything on hand to make that too. I'll probably make the cake tomorrow.

This weekend Torii and I also played some board games. We hadn't played Rummikub in a long time and it was fun playing with him. We also got outside and played some today. We had some good drifts in the driveway, but we got it pretty well cleared out. We ended our time outside in a snow fight, which Cordelia informed me I lost. I was pretty snowy when it was all said and done so she was probably right.

I even got a little cleaning done. Our house is still a mess, let's not crazy here. I said a little cleaning done. Well, there's still tomorrow.


Laurie said...

lovely post Stacy :-) Do the kids like Dairy of a Wimpy Kid? I saw some cute "wimpy kid" board games, that looked pretty fun. Don't know if that's something they would like?
Sounds like a great time despite what most people would call terrible weather. I have to take a winter drivers class at work tomorrow and I though about asking for a pass since I'm very experienced lol. Maybe I'll write about it tomorrow on my blog :P

Stacy said...

Torii wants the Diary of the Wimpy Kid book where you write your own things in it. I can't remember what it is called. There is also a new book coming out this month that he would like.

Have fun at your class :)

Kelly said...

great post sis. You're a great mom everyday. :) I bet the snowfight was a fun time. Hoping there is some snow for heidi when we come. She gets so sad when we have been getting all this snowfall and then it just melts. See you soon!