Monday, August 27, 2007


I am starting this blog just to write and possibly at times vent about being a mother of two toddler boys. I love my children to death and would do anything for them, but sometimes it is so hard. My mom, who raised three daughters, has said many times that boys are definitely different from girls. She was talking to another mother, who had boys, about this. This mother said, yes, boys don't color. I thought that was the perfect way to describe it.

I read the parenting magazines that offer advice about crafts and activities you can do with your child. It all sounds great, but my kids just won't do it. I bought them stickers to play with while I did some scrap booking. They stuck the stickers on the paper and then put the paper through my paper cutter over and over. I was stuck cleaning up a mess of shredded paper on the floor. Coloring is a good quiet activity. My kids had more fun breaking the crayons in half then putting crayon to paper. That's about as far as our creative endeavors have gone. My boys are more interested in running, screaming and destroying. I love them. I just wish they would sit and color sometimes.

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