Friday, August 31, 2007

Sleeping with the fishes

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and since about mid-way through the pregnancy I started having trouble sleeping at night. I would toss and turn and my hips hurt. My nurse suggested I get a body pillow that I could tuck between my legs and position it under my belly and wrap my arms around it. When she told me this I suddenly remembered the pillow I had used in my previous pregnancies. This pillow must be 4ft long and it's a big ugly catfish. When I got home I found the catfish that has been living downstairs for the past few years. So every night when I crawl into bed I stradle this big catfish and throw my arms around it. Sure I felt a little silly at first, but I was sleeping better at night so I didn't care. Now I just feel bad for my husband. This catfish has probably, no I know it has, seen more action than he has the last few months.

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