Monday, September 3, 2007

Now for a commercial break

When Rion was younger, he would stop dead in his tracks when certain commercials came on the TV. He really liked the grape juice commercial, was it Welches? The one with the little blonde girl talking about how much she liked the juice.

Another commercial he really liked was from a cell phone company. He would run around saying, "Hello Johnny boy," but no one could figure out exactly what he was saying. Finally, after hearing this for weeks, my mom finally saw the commercial. Something about a guy talking to his father-in-law and the guy was saying all these nicknames for the father-in-law. I'm not sure exactly, I think I only saw the commercial once myself.

Now of course, he's already into the "I want" stage. He wants everything advertised on TV. He really wants Floam, which is advertised on every commercial break during the day. There is no way he will be getting any Floam. Floam is too close to coloring. He will not sit and play with his Floam, dutifully making all kinds of creations from his Floam. The Floam would end up being like Easter grass. I would find it in all corners of the house for months after he got it. Plus I'm not sure how well it comes out of carpet (they don't say on the commericals), so no he's not getting any Floam.

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