Sunday, September 2, 2007

Toddler catchphrases

TV and movies are always putting new catchphrases into our language. The Simpsons gave us d'oh!, Seinfield gave us yada, yada, yada, and tons more, and Austin Powers gave us yeah, baby!. Everybody knows these, but unless you have toddlers you probably don't know about the whole toddler subculture. The other day the phone rang and I broke into song courtesy of the Wonder Pets. "The phone. The phone is ringing. The phone. We'll be right there." We've also sang the mail song from Blues Clues when we've seen the mailman coming. "Here's the mail it never fails. It makes me want to wag my tail. When it comes I want to wail MAIL!"

We also watch Finding Nemo a lot. One day my demanding Torii wanted something and I told him, "Ok Mr. Bossy." Which I regret saying because the boys have said it to me in return.

Shortly after Cars came out on DVD the boys were riding their bikes outside. Rion wanted to "change" the tires on Torii's trike, but Torii took off before he could. Rion yelled at him "You need tires you idiot!" Really not a good phrase to pull from a movie, but he did. Rion quotes Cars a lot saying things like, "I am Speed" and "Fast as a Cadillac. Sting like a Beemer."

I know there are a lot more, but these are the ones that come to mind now. I'll post more the next time I break out into song from some Nick Jr. cartoon.

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