Monday, September 3, 2007

Saturday mornings

Saturday mornings used to be so special. I remember waking up early, even though it was the only day during the school year that I could sleep in, just to watch cartoons. The Smurfs were one of my favorites and one of the first ones to run on Saturday morning. If I slept in and missed The Smurfs I had to wait another week for a chance to watch it. My kids will never know what that is like. They can watch cartoons whenever they want. There's entire channels devoted to playing cartoons. And if they missed the last episode of Spongebob, don't worry, wait a couple of hours and it will be on again. Can't wait that long? There's video on demand. We'll watch it right now.

These days I still wake up early on Saturday morning, although it isn't by choice. I grab a pillow and a blanket, turn on the kids' cartoons and snuggle with them until I feel like getting up. So Saturday mornings are still special, just in a completely different way.


Kelly said...

Brian and I have talked about old cartoons and when we would get up also and brian was always told to get away from the t.v and play outside. He was so mad because it won't be on until next week. I see the smurfs on t.v here and there and some old cartoons. I like them better.

Laurie said...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were the cartoon of my generation. Oh how I miss those days!