Friday, October 26, 2007


I do love babies, but before Cordelia arrived I wasn't that excited about all the extra work I was going to have with a baby in the house. I knew it would be some time before all of us could go out and do whatever we felt like doing. Now we are back to quick runs to the grocery store before we have to be back home so the baby can eat. While I was looking at all the negatives, I forgot how great babies are. Last night I had the World Series on and was feeding Cordelia before laying her down for the night. I have found that she burps easiest if I lay down and put her on my chest and pat her back. So that's what we did. Some time later I woke up, it was the bottom of the 8th, and she was sleeping soundly on my chest. She felt so good. I could feel her little breaths on my neck. Cordelia is also spoiling me in that she is a much better baby than I had expected. She sleeps a lot and I often have to wake her up to eat. She is really laid back so she hasn't been as much trouble as I thought. Which is nice so I can still have time to do things around the house and more importantly have some time with the boys too. Fred went back to work last night so it probably won't be as easy as it has been. We'll see. I haven't been out in public with all three kids yet so we'll see how all that goes too. Really, everything has been going great.

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