Friday, October 26, 2007

Mere musings

An advantage to breast feeding: Mother-in-law was in town visiting and I had the perfect escape. "Has it been two hours already? How time flies. Well, guess I have to feed the baby." So I got to leave for a little bit to feed Cordelia. And don't think for a second that I came back out right when she was done. Of course I took a few more minutes for myself.

More love for the DVR. There are a few shows that it automatically records each week. I've also looked at the guide for upcoming movies that I'd like to see and set it to record them too. When I have to get up in the wee hours of the morning I have something to watch now. Sure, it takes a couple of days to get through one movie, but that's ok. I haven't watched this many movies since... well, before I had kids.

Another advantage of breastfeeding: My breasts. I would never get plastic surgery, but it would sure be nice if they always looked like this. Fred agrees. Of course he does.

I find it funny that my ob-gyn doctor knocks before entering the room on doctor visits. I mean she's seen more of me than I really care for any other human being to see. Is it really a big deal if she would walk in on me while I was undressing?

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