Wednesday, December 12, 2007


The older the boys get the less I am able to get away with. Today I had to have a chocolate fix so I snuck a Snickers bar at Walmart. As we were driving out of the parking lot I opened my candy bar.
Torii in the back seat: "What do have mommy?"
Me: "Nothing."
Torii: "I hear something. What is it?"
Me: "I don't have anything."
Torii: "Let me see your hands."

Pretty soon I won't be able to tell the little fibs that I occassionally tell them. When I don't want to go McDonalds I simply tell them it's not open. And they believe me. When I don't want to watch Dora I tell them it's not on. This won't work much longer. Rion does recognize some words and once he starts reading, it's all over for me.

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