Friday, December 14, 2007

The pacifier

I think I have been spoiled by Cordelia. She is such a good baby, but a little fussiness the other day had me resorting to the pacifier. It was 11pm and there I was boiling water so I could sterlize the pacifier and pop it her mouth. Neither Rion nor Torii ever took a pacifier. Rion was a blankie and thumb man and Torii really never took to anything. He did hang on to a stuffed kitty for a little while, but it never became a permanant lovey. Rion still sucks his thumb, but has been without his blankie for a long time since it got shredded by so much love. He still mourns for his blankie when he sees it in pictures. And it's in a lot of pictures because he was never without it for very long. I didn't want to give Cordelia a pacifier because I don't really like them. It's just another thing that I would have to wean her from later. But I was getting desperate. I put it in her mouth and she immediately popped it back out. She gave me a look like she was trying peas for the first time. "What in the world was that awful tasting thing?" I tried a few more times but she wasn't having it. I was frustrated at my fussy baby, but also relieved that I wouldn't be spending the next couple of years tracking down lost pacifiers. Although, I may have another thumb sucker since she seems to be going for her hand a lot. The thumb's ok, since it's pretty hard to lose when you need it, but it's still going to be a hard habit to break someday.

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