Sunday, December 23, 2007

Computer geek

Probably a year ago, maybe more, I let Rion sit on my lap while I played a game of Soltaire on the computer. I put his hand on the mouse and let him click on cards. Little did I know that I had just created a monster. Rion is addicted to the computer. He has his own folder on our favorites list filled with websites that he can visit and play games on. He knows how to turn on the computer, get to his favorites folder, close windows, and remove the top toolbar for a bigger screen. He does play the computer too much, which I need to control better, but he has also learned from the computer. Some of the websites are educational, some are not. He has learned to read some words such as back, next, and play. And I suppose one could argue that he is sharpening his motor control skills and problem solving skills in some of the games. He is also getting into the Playstation too. It was always too hard for him before to use both of his thumbs on that controller, but lately he is getting the hang of it. I bought him a Dora game for the Playstation for Christmas thinking that might be an easy game for him to learn on. Now in the few weeks since I bought that I'm thinking it might be too easy for him. Rion really likes daddy's new game that takes place in outer space and he kills lots of aliens. Fred let Rion create his own character and the two of them have been playing together. I watched Rion today and he did really good with the controller. The Dora game I bought has aliens too, but I'm not sure Rion will like it. I very much doubt Dora packs heat and shoots aliens. She's such a sissy.

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