Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Have yourself a funny little Christmas

Here are some of the funny things the kids said on Christmas. I'm sure there were more, but this is what I can remember.

Rion tried some sparkling apple juice after Grandpa told him it was just apple juice. Rion said,
"This apple juice tastes different."

Rion took one of his big presents from under the tree and said, "We've been good this year."

We were playing cards before dinner and I wasn't doing so good. Then I said "finally" when I started to get some good cards. Torii was concerned about going home and for some reason he thought we were leaving. After I said finally, he peeked around the corner and said, "What? Are we going home now?"

Rion picked up a present that said Fred and was going to put it in his pile. We told him, no that was for his daddy. "But that says Fred," he said, "that's my name." We told him he had to find the ones that said Fred Rion. He was still convinced that present was for him.

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