Saturday, December 29, 2007

Message received

Although the boys spend the better part of each day doing the exact opposite of what I tell them, there are indications that what I tell them is reaching their brain.

The other day while grocery shopping Torii said something about standing up in the cart. I told him he couldn't because I didn't want him to get hurt. He got mad at me, "No not me," he said, "that girl over there is." Behind us in line was a girl that kept trying to stand up in the cart. Torii was concerned because he knew she shouldn't be doing that and kept asking me why she was standing up.

Today Torii and I were playing and I was suppose to be on his team. We both had these ugly looking Bionicle creatures they picked up at McDonalds the other day and we were suppose beat up the pirate. Torii kept saying that the pirate won. I told him we weren't very good at fighting if we kept losing. He said, "Yes we are. You just have to keep trying." Eventually we did win a fight.

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