Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sweet Sweet Irony

A couple of months ago I was wondering why in the world I even owned an iron. I'd be more likely to use it as a paperweight than to smooth out wrinkles on clothes. I really hate to iron, therefore, I don't. If the dryer doesn't get out the wrinkles then I either try it on one more spin in the dryer or just don't wear it. Fred has a closet full of nice wrinkly dress shirts. If he is waiting for them to get ironed, he has a long time to wait. So I find it extremely funny that I have created a business where I use iron ons for the clothes. I can't help but think about the irony each time I apply an image to a onesie. I guess the difference is that I plan on making some money off of this type of ironing. If I got paid to iron Fred's shirts? Well, he'd have a closet full of perfectly pressed shirts. And the pants to match.

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