Saturday, June 21, 2008

Country life

On Friday we went to my parents' house, about 10 miles out of town. They have a fire pit and a nice little building we all call the "cabin." I was actually planning on having people over on Friday at the cabin, but when that fell through we decided to go anyway. My parents are on vacation so it was just my family. We lit the fire and had kabobs. The boys ate good because they wanted s'mores. We stayed until almost 11:30pm. It was a perfect night with no wind. We are not campers, but it was so nice around the campfire. Actually, I'm not sure I would like being at a campground, because just like living in town, there is someone right next to you. At the cabin, it was just us. Fred and I actually got time to ourselves to talk. I can't remember the last time we had a conversation that didn't get interrupted repeatedly. We let the boys runs all evening and didn't have to worry about them once. About 11:00 I asked Rion if he was ready for bed and he said, "yes." I hated growing up out of town. Now I dream of having a house with some land. It was so quiet there and having some more room for the kids to play would be so nice. Someday.

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