Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To all the dad's out there, Happy Father's Day. In honor of the day, today's blog is dedicated to my husband.

It's seems like I've struggled with the home/work balance since the day Rion was born. I've tried it all. I've worked full-time (while also trying to breastfeed) and didn't like that. I've stayed home full-time, but money got tight and some days I really wished I had a job to flee to. I've worked out of the home part-time and right now that is working really well. No matter what I've wanted to do, Fred has always supported my decision. Right now I'm working mornings during the week, while he is at home with the kids. Rion is attending a summer school program at his school, which means Fred has to take him there and pick him up. On the first day of class, Fred ran into another dad that took Lamaze with us. Now our kids will be in Kindergarten together in the fall. This other dad also has another child that will start Kindergarten in 2009 with Torii. This scene, of Fred talking with this other dad, while they drop their kids off at school makes me smile. A lot of dads are doing the stay-at-home thing while their wives work. I know a few couples that juggle their work schedules so one parent is always at home with the kids. For most of these couples, the dad is the one at home during the day. So instead of mom getting the kids dressed in the morning, making lunches and getting the kids to their activities, it's dad. While I may give Fred a hard time for not knowing which clothes belong to which kid or getting upset that he let Rion watch the bad parts in Temple of Doom, he does a great job. Our family is doing great in a large part to him. Happy Father's Day, Daddy.

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