Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diaper wars

Cordelia is now at the stage where she is constantly on the move. And she moves fast. This is the stage that changing a diaper should be an Olympic event. It's not easy. I've tried to keep her occupied with a toy while I change her diaper, but it doesn't work. Whatever toy I give her, she wants the one that is on the other side of the room. Or she just wants to see what her big brothers are up to. Whatever she wants, by the time I have unfolded the new diaper, she is gone. Now I have to have everything laid out and ready so I never have to let go of her legs. That's the trick. If I let go of her legs, she crawls away. The big problem I'm having now is the Desitin. It's not easy to put Desitin on a baby's butt when she's trying her hardest to get away. Most of the time I end up with more Destin on me than on her.

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