Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Funny quotes

I've been writing down funny things the kids have been saying, but haven't gotten around to posting them yet. I know I'm missing a lot because a day doesn't go by that they say something funny. By the time I have a chance to write it down, I've forgotten what they said. So here's some of the things they have said lately.

One night at the campfire the boys were going to walk someplace with their lanterns, but Rion was scared.
Rion: "I need someone to go with me."
Me: "Torii will go with you."
Rion: "I'll be right behind him."

When Rion was sitting at the computer after it was taken away from him as a punishment. Rion: "The computer turned on all by itself."

Rion always drinks Torii's glass of milk if his glass is empty. Then Torii gets mad because he doesn't have milk. When I asked Rion if he drank Torii's glass of milk, this is what he told me: "Cordelia drank Torii's milk."

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