Friday, June 27, 2008

Don't embarrass me

Usually I am in the office at work, but today I was on the front lines. A lot of people came in, it was so busy. One group of tourists consisted of a grandpa and grandma and a couple of their grandchildren. As I greeted them, the grandpa said, "where's the liquor store?" I knew he was joking so I played along. At one point I looked back and the granddaughter was looking so embarrassed. She must have been about 13 years old and she had a look like she wanted to get away. This grandpa reminded me of my own grandpa and the things he would say to "embarrass" us. Looking back, of course, it wasn't that bad, but at the time it was mortifying. Now we smile and laugh at the good memories that once were so embarrassing. I wonder what things my kids will find embarrassing about their parents and grandparents?

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