Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pick up sticks

Tonight we were in the backyard picking up the debris left from last night's storm. What a whopper that one was. All the kids slept through it, but I woke up. We didn't have much damage, just some big branches and lots of sticks in the yard. Some of our neighbors have half a tree laying in their yard. After supper tonight we went out to clean up. Torii was very helpful. Rion was helpful for about a minute. Then he starting using sticks as swords and throwing them around. I thought he was going to poke me in the eye or worse Cordelia. Then he got bored and went back in the house.

Usually I am calm during storms, but last night's storm had me worried. Fred and I looked at the radar as the storm was passing and it was huge. Fred is a total wreck during any kind of storm. I want the kids to be aware of how dangerous the weather can be, but I don't want them to be totally afraid of it either. So I hope they take after me more in regards to how they react to the weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never worry about the weather... Why? Well what am I going to do about it?