Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back to one tooth?

Tonight I was planning on having a nice relaxing evening. Cordelia was getting tired so I started to get her ready for bed. As I threw her diaper away I heard a crash followed by crying. Cordelia was sitting by an overturned chair and blood was dripping down her shirt. I picked her up and one of her bottom teeth was bent and pointing at me. The tooth went back into place and we quickly got to the ER. As I figured, there isn't much to be done. I will, however, be sleeping in her room tonight. I'm so scared that tooth will come loose and she'll swallow it. I have already called work to tell them I won't be in tomorrow so I can get her to a dentist. One of the concerns is where it broke. My sister had an accident when she was very young and it affected her permanent tooth. Maybe the dentist can tell if this will be the same for Cordelia. I cannot believe this happened to Cordelia. The boys are so rough and I have never rushed to the ER with them. My little girl just wanted to pull herself up on the chair she always pulls up on and she gets hurt. If the tooth falls out she'll look kind of funny. I'll just tell everyone she's a hockey player.

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