Friday, July 25, 2008

What to get the boy who has everything

Today the kids and I went to Target for a cookie treat and to pick up a few things. While there I told Torii we would look at the toys and he could tell me what he wanted for his birthday. We went through every aisle and spent a good amount of time in the toy section, but he didn't see anything he wanted. We looked at sports equipment and he didn't see anything he liked there either. So I gave up and I snooped at all the stuff I would like. All of a sudden Torii got excited, "I see what I want mommy!" I had no idea what it could be since we were near housewares. He ran over to the grocery side and picked up what he wanted. "Can I have this for my birthday," he asked. It was a box of Cocoa Puffs. If that's what he really wants, who am I to deny him?

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