Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dear Kelly,

Congratulations! You're going to be a mom! Now you don't have to answer that question anymore: when are you going to have kids? Although there is a new crop of questions you'll have to answer.

When is the baby due?
Do you know if it is a boy or a girl?
Are you going to bottle feed or breast feed?
Do you have any names picked out?
Can I touch your belly? (Although this one is rarely asked. Women just do it).

Not only will you be asked these questions repeatedly, but whether you like it or not you will get to hear pregnancy stories from other moms. Apparently, not only does a pregnant woman "glow" she also gives off a vibe that says, "I want to hear your pregnancy story even though I have no idea who are and I did not ask."

The good news is that you only have nine months of this. The bad news is that when the baby is born you have a new set of questions and stories to deal with.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

On tuesday I will know my due date and how everything is going. So at least that question I will get out of the way soon. :-)