Friday, August 22, 2008

Learning all kinds of things

Two days into the school year and Rion has learned his first swear word. Yesterday Torii wanted to play on the playground after school and we did for a little while. There were two older boys there and I heard a couple of swear words, but thankfully Rion didn't hear them. Today we drove so instead of sitting in a long line of cars, we played until the traffic was gone. The two older boys arrived at the playground shortly after we did. Thirty seconds later, Rion ran up to tell me the boy had said, "there's a f***in baby." I told Rion that is not a nice word to use and thankfully the boy's mother showed up shortly after. I knew Rion would learn swear words at school, but I just didn't think it would happen so soon. Now I am thinking about all the things I learned on the playground and I'm wincing. It was on the playground I learned the truth about Santa and what grown-ups did in bed at night. Hopefully it's a long long time before I have to deal with those subjects.

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