Monday, September 22, 2008

Hunting widow

This weekend Fred is going up to the farm to deer hunt. Since the season opens at noon on Friday, he will be leaving on Thursday to get up there. He went through the right channels and I approved this time off for him. However, he also wanted to take Rion and that request was denied. We have been "discussing" this issue for a couple of weeks now. First, I don't think it's an appropriate excuse to miss a day of school. Yah, he's only in Kindergarten, but that brings me to my next point. He is too young to spend a weekend hunting. He spent one night at the lake with Grandpa and Grandma this summer and he didn't like it. He said it was too long and he missed me. Oh, and he missed his computer too. If he can't have fun at the lake, why would he have fun in a field? So Fred got mad and said, "Fine. I'll remember this when you want to take him out of school for something." As if he has any say in it. There is no doubt that we will be going to Disney World during the school year. If he thinks I'm dragging three kids around a mega packed Magic Kingdom during the summer he has to be nuts.

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